Rock Photo by Cincinnati's Ric Sterz |
CINCINNATI (TDB) -- The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has been searching for photographer Ric Stercz, hoping to legally claim title to a series of concert pix he shot in the 1990s of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young performing in Cincinnati and Indianapolis. It was going nowhere. The Rock Hall even ran a legal notice in The Cincinnati Enquirer Dec. 26 trying to nail down its claim. The notice said the photo set would be considered
"abandoned property" if Stercz or the rightful owner did not surface. Stercz, who lives in Cheviot, was in plain sight all along. He's on Facebook
where a collection of his rock pictures are posted. They are impressive and many capture the energy of the music. In a chat with The Daily Bellwether today he said he donated the photos to the Rock Hall years ago. He did not know the Rock Hall was concerned about the provenance of the pictures. Stercz said he took them himself at Riverfront Coliseum (now U.S. Bank Arena) and in Indianapolis around the time
Crosby, Stills and Nash were inducted. Stercz said he was flattered that the Rock Hall wants his pictures:
"Maybe they'll be on display. They're actual photographs of all four in concert. They're original and they're mine."
Rock Hall's Legal Notice |
Stercz said he sent the photos to the Cleveland museum because Dennis Barrie, the original director of the Rock Hall, had spent time in Cincinnati as head of the Contemporary Arts Center. He said he didn't know Barrie personally, but thought Barrie might enjoy displaying the concert pix because CSNY had all recently been installed as hall of famers.