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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Where's Henry VIII? England Is Turning Catholic Again

CINCINNATI (TDB) -- The sun has set on the British Empire, and now there are reports that the Roman Catholic Church Church is about to become the pre-eminent faith in England and Wales, a development that surely would set King Henry VIII's head spinning.

Henry, 1491-1547, broke away from Rome during the Reformation and launched the Protestant sect that became the Church of England. But the old state religion is sliding into No. 2 on Henry's island realm. The Times of London has the story about Catholicism's comeback, which is largely fueled by immigration to Shakespeare's precious stone set in the silver sea.


  1. ......good stuff here bill......i remember hearing about the first prez making his own whiskey.....american

  2. Thanks for dropping by. I'd like to try some of GW's rye someday.
