FREMONT, Ohio (TDB) -- Democratic Congressional candidate Robin Weirauch went to a closed TRW plant in NW Ohio and said the 270 workers who lost jobs are victims of national policies that tug against the interests of blue collar Americans. She wants a moratorium on "faulty trade deals" and worries the factory economy is being been sold piecemeal to China. Weirauch also said Congress needs to do more to help U.S. manufacturers that have stayed home.
[Image courtesy Wikipedia -- it is a generic shuttered factory from England, and not the Fremont plant Weirauch visisted.]
Weirauch is campaigning for a vacant seat in Ohio's 5th District across NW portions of the state. She faces Republican Bob Latta in a Dec. 11 special election required by the death of Paul Gillmor last September.
Weirauch hammered on trade agreements that critics -- foremost among them Democratic U.S. Sherrod Brown -- contend have shipped U.S. jobs overseas to cheap labor countries like China. Brown made the jobs issue a centerpiece of his successful campaign to defeat Mike DeWine last November. It is a topic that seems to resonate with Ohio voters in a state where the economy has lagged. Said Weirauch:
"How many of our neighbors have worked hard and played by the rules with a promise of economic security, a good pension and health care into their golden years. The fact is, Washington isn't listening to these stories. We are witnessing the legacy of failed trade policies which have crippled American manufacturing, moved our jobs overseas and have created stagnant wage growth for the past seven years.
"We need to change the way that Washington does business. And and that is why I am calling for an immediate moratorium on faulty trade deals. When I am in Congress, I am going to fight hard to ensure that we don't sell off our economy piece by piece to China or India, that is just bad business. I also pledge to go after companies that are more interested in sending jobs overseas than they are being good corporate citizens. But I don't want to just provide punitive solutions. This is about fostering a good climate that allows businesses that stay here to be competitive in the global market."
Weirauch hammered on trade agreements that critics -- foremost among them Democratic U.S. Sherrod Brown -- contend have shipped U.S. jobs overseas to cheap labor countries like China. Brown made the jobs issue a centerpiece of his successful campaign to defeat Mike DeWine last November. It is a topic that seems to resonate with Ohio voters in a state where the economy has lagged. Said Weirauch:
"How many of our neighbors have worked hard and played by the rules with a promise of economic security, a good pension and health care into their golden years. The fact is, Washington isn't listening to these stories. We are witnessing the legacy of failed trade policies which have crippled American manufacturing, moved our jobs overseas and have created stagnant wage growth for the past seven years.
"We need to change the way that Washington does business. And and that is why I am calling for an immediate moratorium on faulty trade deals. When I am in Congress, I am going to fight hard to ensure that we don't sell off our economy piece by piece to China or India, that is just bad business. I also pledge to go after companies that are more interested in sending jobs overseas than they are being good corporate citizens. But I don't want to just provide punitive solutions. This is about fostering a good climate that allows businesses that stay here to be competitive in the global market."
The usual bunch of sob stories. These clowns never talk about the alternative, protectionism, which doesn't guarantee prosperity. Far from it, if one wants to see the "virtues" of protectionism, they should travel to Cuba or Belarus.