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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Recalling Tales Of Ohio's 'Toledo War': Georgia Moves To Claim Land In Tennessee

CINCINNATI(TDB) -- Ohio briefly put an army in the field against Michigan in the early 1800s to settle a land dispute around Toledo. It has gone down into the history books as a military farce. Now Georgia lawmakers are pushing to move their state line about a mile north, which means that a significant chunk of Tennessee near Chattanooga wouldn't be in Tennessee anymore. Apparently, the border as it traditionally has been surveyed is actually off -- though nobody has complained until recently. Why? Atlanta needs water and the Tennessee River -- which eventually flows into the Ohio River way downstream of the hot spot -- could be tapped to ease the drought. Tennesseans aren't too happy and the news is beginning to rouse traditionalists across the South.

The Tennessee Republican Party objects to what it sees as a land grab. Meanwhile, historians are looking up details of the Toledo War. Charge!!!

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