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Monday, March 24, 2008

OH-10 GOP Jim Trakas: Kucinich Foe Wants Guard And Reserves Off The Front Lines

CLEVELAND (TDB) -- Jim Trakas, a former state representative and ex-chair of the Cuyahoga County Republican Party, says national guard and reservists should be pulled from serving in combat zones. The proposal appears on his campaign Web site for Ohio's 10th Congressional District seat, which covers Cleveland's west side, along with the city's western suburbs. Trakas is running against Democratic U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a fierce opponent of the War in Iraq who has filed an House impeachment measure against Vice President Dick Cheney. Trakas steers clear of the blame game, "We are there now, it doesn't matter how we got there." Trakas says the U.S. needs to "defeat the terrorists," but the war should be fought by regulars not reservists:

"Keep the National Guard and Reserves out of harm's way. Our Guardsmen and Reservists can easily rotate into non-hostile theatres of operations, such as Europe and Asia where America has bases, but are not involved in conflict. Let the Regular Armed Forces fight, they are better trained and equipped, and let the patriots in the Guard and Reserves serve their country out of the combat zone."

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