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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ohio NAACP Ruckus: Singer Justin Jeffre Jostled In Cincinnati

CINCINNATI (TDB) -- The Cincinnati NAACP branch has been percolating with dissent since last year's disputed election for the chapter presidency, and today there are reports police were called to smooth emotions during a chaotic meeting. Singer Nick Lachey's former boyband-mate Justin Jeffre got caught up in some ugliness while attending as a new NAACP member.

Jeffre is working to build a political career after his stint in the band 98 Degrees brought a modicum of fame. His unsuccessful run for Cincinnati mayor in 2005 was followed by the national media, including MTV.

Meanwhile, will discord at the Cincinnati branch end up discouraging the national NAACP from holding its 2008 convention in Cincinnati? Up to 5,000 delegates are expected next year. The economic impact should be huge -- 11,575 hotel room nights will be booked. And the gathering of a national civil rights group in an Ohio city with a rocky history of race relations could add some luster to Cincinnati's tarnished reputation.

Jeffre recently filed a blog post about what he witnessed last night at the local NAACP meeting. He characterized the event as plagued with assault and chaos.


  1. You failed to report on the Justin Jeffres own account of what happened. The article he wrote can be found at

    Giving your readers information directly from the individual who stated they were assaulted makes your blog appear more credible.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Anon --

    (typo in my earlier reply.)

    Justin Jeffre's account has been linked here since Jan. 27, when the NAACP post appeared on TDB. Perhaps you skimmed over it. Or maybe I did not make it prominent enough. The the link to Justin Jeffre's Beacon piece works; I just tried and was connected.
