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Friday, February 09, 2007

Ohio's Schools: Sir Michael Barber, A Knight In Shining Armor?

COLUMBUS (TDB) -- Is this Bob Taft's swan song? He's out of office, but still shows up as the chairman of Achieve Inc., a national organization that has been prodding states to realign their schools to teach what colleges and the work force demand.

Next Tuesday, the Ohio Board of Education is supposed to receive a "final" presentation from the Achieve Policy Study that will be delivered by Michael Cohen, the group's president and Sir Michael Barber, who was British Prime Minister Tony Blair's domestic policy advisor. This may be the first time a knight has ever addressed the state school board. Do they curtsy and bow?

The goal of the program, apparently, is to find best practices from around the globe and somehow incorporate them into Ohio's schools. At least, that's the goal as described in THIS Cleveland Plain Dealer story from last December.

Britain has been stirred up about EDUCATION REFORM , perhaps even more stirred up than Ohio.

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