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Thursday, February 22, 2007

An Orgy Of Newsprint Nuttiness In Cincinnati

CINCINNATI (TDB) -- Outside SW Ohio, few know of the hyper-coverage, the totally maniacal, over-the-top, irresponsible waste of precious newsprint that Gannett's Cincinnati Enquirer has devoted to the grisly case of a child murdered by foster parents in Clermont County. This tawdry journalistic miscarriage would embarrass even Walter Winchell in his heyday as a Jazz Age gossip columnist for the New York tabs. This week, the Enquirer feasted on detritus even vultures would avoid. If you think Anna Nicole is overplayed, you've got another think coming.

I wanted to say something about this horror, but have been at a complete loss for words. Fortunately, the Cincinnati Newsache exists and wrote exquisitely and intelligently and eloquently about the Enquirer's rapid descent into territory fouler than any gutter. Please read the Newsache.

Thank you Newsache. What's so sad and offensive, as the Newsache noted, is that other children have died and the newspaper hardly noticed. Yet it rolled out the MARTIANS INVADE!!!! headlines for the Clermont County episode.

La Fontaine once said, "Every editor of newspapers pays tribute to the Devil." I don't know about every editor, but there are a few in Cincinnati who live down to that.


  1. It is nice to know that, whatever our differences, we can come together to hate The Enquirer -- the worst newspaper in the world.

  2. Thanks Dean. And I don't think I have have "differences" with you at all. I enjoy your work and look at it often. We don't target the same crowd, that's the divergence. But I don't denigrate what you do. The Enquirer, on the other hand, is to news organs what the sphincter muscle is for the human body. It opens up and you know what is going to come out . . .

    Hope we can meet some day and have coffee. Fair market, of course.

  3. You champion NewsAche with FERVOR! But we all know why, don't we?
