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Friday, September 21, 2007

Ohio Medical Association: Doctors Want Mandatory Healthcare Coverage For All

COLUMBUS (TDB) -- The Ohio State Medical Association says it supports legislative action to require mandatory health care coverage for all Ohioans. It says there should be a dedicated funding source that is "self-sustaining" -- which could be another way of saying a new tax, or higher taxes. For those unable to afford insurance, the state should pay, said the organization which represents nearly 20,000 physicians:

"All Ohioans must have basic health care coverage, either through private insurance for those able to pay or through publicly subsidized coverage."

OSMA President Craig Anderson, a Columbus neonatologist, said 1.3 million Ohioans lack coverage. He said "we need to make access to affordable health care" a top priority at the state and national levels.

The medical association also said serious wellness programs should become a critical statewide focus, and that schools should emphasize healthy lifestyle choices to combat smoking and obesity.

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