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Monday, December 31, 2007

Mrs. Huckabee Defends Her Hubby: Bill Clinton Learned Foreign Policy At IHOP

CINCINNATI (TDB) -- Janet Huckabee is standin' by her man. She allows former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee may come up a bit light in the foreign policy experience department. But so did some other governors who wound up in the White House. "Ronald Reagan didn't have any foreign policy experience. Bill Clinton, they said the only experience he had in foreign policy was going to IHOP, the International Pancake House."

Pardon me, Mrs. Huckabee. That would be the International House of Pancakes. Her implication is that Mike is just as competent as Bill -- but she doesn't note that Bill spent some time in Britain studying at Oxford University, and that he travelled the Continent. Those are blanks on Huckabee's resume. The full course of the would-be First Lady's interview with the Iowa Independent is here. She says her husband can hire a good staff to help him on the foreign policy front. She also has some interesting things to say about abortion -- that women should not have to go to jail if laws are changed and abortion is banned.

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