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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Hamilton County Dems' Deal With GOP: Appears To Clash With Stated 'Principles'

CINCINNATI (TDB) -- The deal between Hamilton County's Democrats and Republicans not to oppose each other's county commission candidate seems in conflict with the principles of the Ohio Democratic Party. The principles call for "strong public participation in a government chosen by election," a phrase that doesn't look to square with the private negotiations between party leaders whose goal was to tamp down opposition and foreclose competition at the ballot box this year.

There are 11 stated core values that were adopted in August 1998, a time when Democrats were in Ohio's political wilderness and Republicans held nearly all power at the state level -- from the governorship on down. Some of the principles that appear to have been discarded during the dealmaking:

1. "We believe that the best government is one that is efficient yet understanding -- a government that is based not on systems of bureaucracies, but on people, ideas and values."

2. "We believe there is no substitute for fair and equal representation and strong public participation in a government chosen by election."

11. "And we believe in pursuing these ideals with honesty and integrity, with respect for the freedoms that we in Ohio are proud to call our own."

It may be good politics for the Republican chief and the Democratic chief to sit down and divvy up county offices. But can that be done with "respect for the freedoms that we in Ohio are proud to call our own?" Inquiring minds are wondering: Does the art of the deal outweigh the value of a competitive, democratic election?

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