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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Weed 'Em And Weep: Marijuana Seasons Hamilton County's Ballots

CINCINNATI (TDB) -- The Board of Elections offices are in the same building as the Cincinnati police department's evidence room. Sometimes the odor of confiscated marijuana drifts through the elevator shafts and permeates the atmosphere. Talk about your high and mighty.

Elections Director John Williams told the Cincinnati Enquirer's Peter Bronson that folks visiting his office are frequently surprised when they are greeted by the aroma of pot hanging in the air:

"It's pungent. It makes people do some double takes."

No word that anyone has been rolling and lighting the paper ballots, though. Bronson, a rightwing conservative who seldom veers from the GOP line, writes less about the pot than Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. He denounces the Democrat for pressing counties to switch to paper ballots, and joins the crowd who contend she is undercutting confidence in elections. Others might suspect Bronson inhaled too deeply in the pot-flavored atmosphere.

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