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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Russo On Campaign Race-Baiting: Nothing Is Worse Than An Uppity Negro

Tim Russo's litany isn't subliminal:

"Nothing worse than an uppity Negro.
How dare a black man say he has 'good odds' to win the presidency.
How dare a black man say he has good odds, period.
How dare a black man presume to be a major party’s nominee.
How dare a black man criticize a white man running for president.
How dare a black man call that white man’s lies 'unfortunate'.
How dare a black man speak to 200,000 foreigners.
How dare a black man raise money.
How dare a black man pretend to lead.
How dare a black man speak intelligently.
How dare a black man inspire white people.
How dare a black man have his own campaign plane.
How dare a black man speak truth to power.
How dare a black man get good media coverage.
How dare a black man get bad media coverage.
How dare a black man get media coverage, period.
How dare a black man travel.
How dare a black man meet congressmen.
How dare a black man meet congresswomen.
How dare a black man put ads on television.
How dare a black man have this much money.
How dare a black man become President.
Of the United States.
Of America."

Earlier, Tim Russo also wrote:

"This last round, these 90 or so days, we are going to be fighting forces which this country have never, EVER been able to overcome. Forces that kept men in chains for 250 years. Forces that hung people from trees. Forces that not even Martin Luther King could overcome in his lifetime, but CAN, WILL and HAS overcome in spirit."

1 comment:

  1. I would have thought Tim Russo would be writing about little black boys. Since when he did care about men?
